Friday, October 30, 2009


[ I still don't know where it happened. It fell into my ears and I have decided to write it down. Names changed. ]

It was the start of the third year, and girls were shifted to the main hostel which was neighbored by the boys' hostel. Angy, a sophomore then, never had been found involved in the talks of the town. She was teased to be muted by her colleagues, for the strange act she was believed of being suffering from the phobias that were usually uncommon in one. She feared the insects, stages, nights, falls,etc.

Studying with her was a gang of four – Resce , a fashion hunk, Maddy, fat guy’s big son, Adriel, lawyer’s younger son and Rick. Rick was working in an infirmary which was turned into a mortuary since the mishap. Their ancestral grounds always buck them up to bully the inferiors. The gang was not into the play of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities, but what they played never went unnoticeable.They were indulged in assaults, steals, paper leaks, and - counting.Their next feed was Angy.

Resce was usually the one who set the pranks. He said, "Rick, could you get that thing?"
Rick's eyes anticipating the devilish smile. "For the mother of the god, that would be awesome.That could stop the heart down.I'll get that!"
"In the night then..Gotta go now, get Maddy and Addy.."
"That Addy is dreaded of the way now. I'll get the moron, Sure!"

Couple of hours to sleep, four plunged through the back gates.Resce said, "Hold your steps! Slow now, it's the door keeper. Maddy get the book!"
Maddy returned with the book. Gasping, he searched the entries."Second.One to the left of others. She's been isolated, man! Things easy-weasy baby.Let's go, girls would be back any time."
They looked up and assured if they were eyed.They stepped up and were on second.
"That's the one," said Maddy.
Resce, holding the can, "Here! it goes for baby, Angy. Rick, it's your turn."

Rick came back with a big wide face. "Kept.The room was dark. Anyway,let's wait". Pointing to the place in the alley, he said, "That would be fine.It's dark here and separated." They continued their party while Addy was not in the mood. He seemed upset.

Girls returned.Dozed, tired and exhausted. Someone from the crowd shouted, "That was incredible. I would love some of those.All party days girls!! Angy, in the morning now! Have your fucked life in the dark!!"
Angy never turned back to respond.She got the keys, but the door was already opened.She never minded it."Ahh! those girls."

Boys were now geared up to know the things happening. Minutes passed, but no absolute reaction. Resce was tensed, but remained calmed."Wait. It takes time for one to go to bed. Rick, you placed it under the pillow, eh?" Rick nodded.

She dressed herself to her comfort and neared the bed.To her amazement, there was a packet- 'To Angy, Who never speaks'. She felt it and it was like a thick rod with thick five strands towards the end.She slowly opened the packet.
She shouted on her top of the voice.She vomited and kept vomiting; her hand and bed was now with blood stains. She outcried. But, no one could hear that.
On the bed was the fresh detached hand of a woman. The hand kept bleeding profusely. The packet was full of blood.
She tried to open the door; but the door was locked from outside and windows were jammed.
The boys out there were totally enjoying; they shouted in unison, "It worked! She's all fucked now!" Resce said,"And, she shouts like my maaama shouting damn it! ... let's run." The noise gradually faded as they run harder to get down.

Next day, Addy was up early and went straight into the room. Waking up them, he spoke in dreaded voice."She's not responding. Not even opening the door.Let's go"
Rick was getting mad, "Why you went there so early?..and.."
"It's still five. let's go see her..." Addy cut him in the middle.
They all ran towards the room. The door was ajar now.
"Now what the fuck! You said the door..whatever! Addy you getting on nerve nowadays." Resce was in no mood and he went inside.They all looked for her, but no sign.
Seconds later, Maddy shouted in bewilderment, vomited and shouted again.Rest three hastily ran towards the room. Maddy was on floor surrounded by blood marks.They looked up and found her on the top of the cupboard.She was in complete white with all her hair on her face.She removed the same detached fresh hand and continued chewing the fingers.And, she swallowed it.Blood oozed out of the finger and continued dripping from the board-top.
Then, she removed a kitchen knife and stab the fresh hand on her foot and freed her cry.
And, rotten hand smell.
Resce and his friends watched the sight in intense aversion and ran towards the door.
They were stopped by the door keeper and stood in front of them was one of their teachers.She questioned, "What happened? And why are y'all in the girl's apartment?"
Addy answered, "That girl is a freak!..she's .." He vomited.

Angy came out limping.Her mouth showed no signs of blood, but her dress was drenched in red. She turned towards her teacher and said in total calmness, "Your bastards pranked me last night."
The teacher stood frozen.

She turned and started limping again; blood followed her steps.On her back, it was somehow written in red - 'Prankster'

PS: IT'S all written, prashant. Thanks!